Always prepare for more difficult times.
Always accept what we’re unable to change.
Always manage our expectations.
Always persevere.
Always learn to love our fate and what happens to us.
Always protect our inner self, retreat into ourselves.
Always submit to a greater. larger cause.
Always remind ourselves of our own mortality.
And, of course, prepare to start the cycle once more.
Excerpt from “The Obstacle is the Way” by: Ryan Holiday
The obstacle being the way is such a wonderful metaphor for all of life’s challenges and surprises!
Add this to your daily personal affirmations; it will deepen your acceptance and trust on the path. Without obstacles one’s self development and understanding would not develop. When you are going through the toughest of times, take a deep breath, smile and look for the lesson. Life is to be lived, you only know you are growing and learning when it is tested! Just as a scientist tests a hypothesis to prove that the outcomes are true. The testing of yourself is necessary in life for the refining and deepening of your own personal growth.
Don’t’ resist it, embrace it. You will see that the whole world opens up to you in a new and special way.
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Be-Live-Speak love into your life and you will connect to your purpose!
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